Reading Rhythm (part 3)

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Reading Rhythm Part 3

Hey there,                                                         

In Reading Rhythm Part 2 part we saw that in a 4/4 we can have a whole note and that that makes the note’s duration be four beats.                                
And we also saw that in a 2/4 time-signature we can have a half note in a measure, and this actually covers the entire measure.                                                        
Now, we might ask ourselves, what if I want to have a note that lasts four beats but I am in a 2/4 time-signature? Is this not possible? The answer is yes, it is possible. Enters: the tie.                            

The tie                

The tie, is a little curvy line that connects two adjacent notes of the same pitch and merges their values into one.


Sometimes we have the option of writing one duration in different ways. For example, two quarter notes tied on beats 2 and 3 and a half note on beat 2 give the same result.                  


Both of the options above have the same duration.                       

There are times when the half not cannot be used. For example, if we want to have a note with duration of two beats but we want it to start on beat 4 and continue through beat one of the next measures, our only option is to use the tie.                            


The tie can connect two notes of any note value.            


Note: for the curvy line to be a tie, the two notes have to be the same pitch. If the notes have different pitches, the curvy line means another thing.                    

Dotted notes                   

Another way to make a note longer is by using a dot.                    


The difference between the dot and the tie is that the tie can merge any two values, but the dot has a fixed equivalence. The following image might be more helpful that my writing more explanation.                 


The boundaries of the measure                      

Another limitation that the dot has, is that it can only be used if the resulting value of the note can fit within the measure. If the full duration of a note surpases the measure, is has to be written with a tie.                    


Tying dotted notes                   

FInally, it is worth mentioning that dotted notes can be tied. We can use the tie with any kind of note values that are adjecent and that have the same pitch.                           


I hope this has been helpful. Enjoy your study 😊 


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