Basic Chords

Basic Chords What are chords?                                                                                                 A chord is a combination of at least three different notes. This doesn’t mean that any three notes combined create a chord, the notes that form each chord are specific notes to that chord.                             The basic chords on guitar                                                                                                  At this point of our learning journey, we won´t deal with…… Continue reading Basic Chords

004 Fretboard Diagram

Fretboard Diagram A freeboard diagram is essentially a drawing of the fretboard. Six horizontal lines represent the six strings. And a number of vertical lines represent the frets. We will find it usually on a horizontal position where the first string is the upper line (as in tablature).     The little number you see beneath…… Continue reading 004 Fretboard Diagram

Categorized as Guitar101

003 Chord diagram

Chord diagrams The most usual way to represent chords in a visual manner is by what we call a chord diagram. Let’s explore the 6 different elements of a chord diagram: 1) First we need agraphic representation of the section of the fretboard that the chord goes in: 2) Indicator of what string to press:…… Continue reading 003 Chord diagram

Categorized as Guitar101

002 Tablature

Reading and Writting Tablature The basics of tablature are very simple: A horizontal line per each of the strings on the guitar. Numbers on the lines represent the number of the frets. So, in guitar tablature we have six lines, because we the guitar has six strings. The top line represents string 1, and from…… Continue reading 002 Tablature

Categorized as Guitar101

Guitar Anatomy

Guitar Anatomy The three biggest sections We can divide the guitar in three different general areas: 1) The headstock, 2) The Neck, and 3) The body. Within these sections we can locate smaller parts of the guitar. Front of the guitarSide and back of the guitarThe stringsFrets, fretboard and direction From all the parts of…… Continue reading Guitar Anatomy